

10 Tips for Successful Exam Preparation

Perfect exam pass is when the examinee knows everything, confident, no fear of the teacher, knows how correctly and clearly express own thoughts … In general is a dream.

“Is there a way to at least a little to become closer to this ideal?” – You ask. To obtain this result, it is necessary to follow the 10 rules of successful exam preparation.


Filed under Homework Help.

Innovative methods of training – heuristic training

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.


Among the innovative training methods the heuristic training is emphasized, the prototype of which is Socrates’ method of questions and arguments, or, in other words, the “Socratic irony”. It is known that the ancient Greek philosopher brought his students to the true judgment through dialogue. He first asked a general question and got a response, the newly introduced clarifying question, and so on to get the final answer.

Heuristic training is aimed at designing a student’s own sense, purposes and content of education and the process of its organization, diagnosis and awareness. Personal experience of the student becomes a component of its education and training content is created during the process. Heuristic activity is sometimes associated with the creative work.


Filed under Homework Help. — to help students

Education is one of the main stages in the human life. There are few studies on which people spend a lot of years in the life, refusing from many things. But the fact is that building a good career without education, including higher education, is almost impossible.

In addition, education instills not only the skills and knowledge, but also contributes to personal development. There is even a wise saying: “A person can be born only in the process of communication with other persons”. Even if the process of human learning is not inspiring, it will still always have to deal with various problems and to solve them together with colleagues. By participating in such public events, the person develops own character, and this is the platform for a successful life in the future.


Filed under Homework Help.

The Ways to Train Brain

Most things that we stop using eventually become worthless. The daily routine of life and work can play a dirty trick on us. If you do not make your brain work, that over the years, it will have much less opportunities, not mentioning the anatomical changes that take place in it due to aging and which do not improve our mental faculties. So it vitally needs trainings. Moreover, the exercises can be just interesting. To watch for what a brain is capable, with what speed how difficult problem it can solve. From a pragmatic point of view, things are a bit more complicated. There are studies like speaking about the benefits of exercise on the development of cognitive abilities and that there no special sense of them. Because the brain is part of the body, it must comply with the rule: the subject of regular loads must be developed to deal with them. So, below you will find exercises to train your brain which help to carry out this process.


Filed under Education.

Conversely Education

It just so happened that lately I tried on a lot of different methods of training – university, online courses, free courses, self-education, reading books and so on. All methods have a clear pattern: at first the material is provided, and the next step is exams / tests / tasks / assignments. And the more I learn, the more convinced I become about incompleteness of this approach. There were courses that I attended full-time and took notes, there were those which I passed without visiting a class / lecture. And looking back, I can not determine what option of the rest is significant, despite the fact that the time was spent attending lectures many times more.


Filed under Homework Help.