
Market control using the Maslow’s theory


What would you say if someone was able to accurately predict all of your desires and wishes? Sounds crazy, but we can assure you that not so long ago one man was conducting researches to provide this possibility. His name is Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, who is more known for his works in the field of psychology of human needs and the foundation of the revolutionary ideas of the hierarchical model of human needs. Let’s here discuss the latter in economics that is necessary for the critical analysis of the markets and building a marketing strategy.  (more…)

Filed under Economics.

Is Fiber Optics Really the Most Protected Element of Networks?

Is Fiber Optics Really the Most Protected Element of Networks?

Fiber optic networks are now the most popular way to communicate over long distances. This is due to their huge bandwidth (more than 10 Gb/s) and low signal attenuation over long distances. However, one of the main advantages until recently was considered the localization of signal within the waveguide core and the practical impossibility of tapping and eavesdropping of the signal by hackers. Is it really an impossible task at the current development of technology? Let’s find out. (more…)

Filed under Engineering.

How to Deal With End Of Summer Depression

We’ve been constantly analyzing college trends and usual everyday student topics all around the internet and what we’ve noticed recently is the flood of complaints about the summertime boredom, sadness, and despair in teenagers. It spreads like a virus and by the beginning of a studying year each one risks to end up in depression. What are the reasons for this seasonal frustration and how to avoid it? We are going to discuss. (more…)

Filed under News.

Pros and Cons of Sun Tanning

Pros and Cons of Sun Tanning

We spend a lot of time on fresh air under the sun in summer: beaches, rivers, parks, etc. It is a great opportunity to get a free sun tan, become more attractive and… healthier. It is well known that moderate amounts of sunlight stimulate vitamin D production that regulates calcium metabolism. But, at the same time scientific researches have shown that sun rays have a great negative effect. What is beneficial and what is dangerous about the sun tanning? How can we minimize negative effects of it? (more…)

Filed under Biology.

Virtual Reality As a Future of Education

Virtual Reality As a Future of EducationWhen we think of virtual reality, the first thing that comes into our heads is a dose of incredible emotions and a piece of mind-boggling entertainment in a form of Oculus Rift or whatever. And hardly any of us under any circumstances will associate it with education. However, the latter keeps up with the times and brings not only games but also a virtual reality into studying process and let’s see how. (more…)

Filed under Education.

How Geometric Design of Roads Works


Many students have cars nowadays and, surely, going on holiday with friends, they choose the most secure route to their destination. Everybody will agree that it is much more convenient to drive on the “smooth” road with good visibility and without sudden turnings.  Such roads are common now, but they have not always been that way. (more…)

Filed under Engineering, Math, Physics.

How Steganography Works

How Steganography Works

The one who owns the information owns the power. Reliable information of the high quality allows us to make the right analysis and conclusions no matter what we’re talking about. That’s why people who can get the right information and analyze it are really appreciated at all times. However, sometimes information should be passed so that nobody except for the addressee could know the fact of information transmitting. This is what we call steganography and here we are to reveal some of its secrets. (more…)

Filed under Programming.