

10 Tips to Stay Focused When Self-Learning Programming and Coding

Self learning programming

Learning new skills and trades is something that everyone could benefit from, no matter what skill it is. Adding to your repertoire can advance your professional or academic career and lead you down better paths in life. Picking up new skills isn’t easy though, especially if you are doing it on the side or by yourself. Self-learning is quite a difficult task knowing that you are the only person involved in this process, and your success depends on how disciplined you are. (more…)

Are Some Students Unteachable?

Unteachable student

Sometimes it seems like school can be a drag and the biggest waste of time for students. Either they’re stuck and aren’t learning much, or they’re just not motivated to do anything anymore. The idea that some students are “unteachable” is an opinion growing among educators and students alike, but because of the advancement of technology and an ever-changing society, the idea of education and learning has evolved just as well. (more…)

Effective time management plan to improve your studies

Time management plan

College and University are a time for life experience and fun, as well as a time for development and growth. This is the time students are supposed to figure out what in life is important to them and what they can let go of. But most often, students worry about the homework and passing classes as well as balancing their social and work lives at the same exact time. Some people think that university is a trying time, where it weeds out those who aren’t prepared or ready for real life just yet. There are several things that lead to such overwhelming feelings and enormous amounts of stress, but there is just one defining skill that can separate one from the rest of the pack. This skill, time management, is a life-long skill that can continue to be used throughout life, and is especially important to a student.  (more…)

Why do Students Look for Assignment Help Online?

Students look for assignment help

There are a few things in life that people think are almost guaranteed: death, taxes, and homework. When you’re in school, you probably only have to worry about the last one. It’s a highly debated topic, whether school assignments are actually beneficial or just busywork, but nonetheless, they are required by almost every teacher, professor and educator in order to pass a course. This weighs significantly on a student’s mind as they are told time and time again that education is essential to a better life, and passing your courses are of utmost importance. This can lead to several problems within life as a student, so naturally, students try to find a way around it or a way to handle it with ease.  (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Tips and Tricks How to Remember Everything You Learn

How to remember everything

There are things in life that are memorable and there are things you forget the second you hear it. Everyone has those moments when you are asked to remember something and it just slips your mind, even if you have a thousand reminders. Then there are times where you remember what you were wearing on a particular day. It’s funny how the brain works like that, some of it can be explained and some cannot. (more…)

Filed under Education.

How to Balance Your Programming Course and Life

How to balance Your Programming Course and Life

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A common saying amongst the working class and especially students, still holds true today. The amount of time and practice needed to perfect or master something is a lot, some say is 10,000 hours, some say even more. But as a student, who really has 10,000 hours to spare if they’re out just trying to live their best life? (more…)

Filed under College Life, Programming.

How to Fall in Love with Math and Make it Easy

How to Fall in Love with Math

We all have our favorite subjects to learn about growing up. When we were younger, it usually related to things that fascinated us and made us go “WOW, THAT’S SO COOL!” and it ended up being something like sciences or languages or even art. (more…)

Filed under Math.