
How Idea of Fourier Transform Works

How works the idea of the Fourier transform

Every day each of us listens to music, views images on the Internet, turns on a radio station or a TV channel. All these processes have a common feature; it is their implementation involving the use of the same mathematical tool – the Fourier transform. It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is one of the most widely used mathematical discoveries, which is widely known in optics and quantum physics, radio astronomy, X-ray crystallography, voice recognition and PET (positron emission tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), etc. (more…)

Filed under Math.

DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas for Students

No matter whether you’re a freshman or an undergraduate, if you are a student, it is obvious that holidays and parties can’t help coming to your place one after another. And the thing is usually the celebration and the gifts are of a greater value than the meaning of the holiday itself. So, whether you are in a relationship right now or not, you may greet some people with St.Valentine’s Day if they mean something to you. And let’s find out how to create nice things and unusual decorations for this holiday on your own. (more…)

Filed under College Life.

How Grammar Checkers Work

How Grammar Checkers Work

Many of us, no matter native or non-native speakers of English, often have problems with grammar, spelling, sentence structure and references when it comes to academic purposes. And no wonder since we don’t apply all those complicated rules in daily use. With this in mind, some students proofread the papers multiple times by themselves, others trust MS Word grammar checker and other services or do both. But which option is really reliable and what threats do automatic grammar checkers carry? (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, Writing.

The Most Beautiful Equation

The Most Beautiful EquationHaving noticed the name of this article, many of you have already guessed what it’s going to be about. Also, here are additional hints: this short but quite famous formula may be seen on the T-shirts or cups worldwide; mathematicians and physicists name it “the greatest equation” in some scientific polls. Actually, we’re talking about the Euler’s identity, named to honor the great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. So what exactly is great about this formula? (more…)

Filed under Math.

Will Space Become More Available?

Will Space Become More Available?

This year we celebrate the 55th anniversary of the first spaceflight.  Has the space become more available for the humankind since that time? Well, actually, it hasn’t. Let’s consider that we send the rocket with payload to the Low Earth orbit to maintain, say, the International Space Station. How much would it cost in US dollars per kilogram to send it on the Low Earth orbit nowadays? Let’s see what calculations we have. (more…)

Filed under Engineering.

How Simple Chemical Compounds Created Life on Earth

Chemical evolution

There are a lot of debates about how life evolved on Earth. Evolution is a process of consistent changes in different levels of life organization – from molecules to biosphere. A lot of experiments and analytical data that confirm this process. At the beginning of life on the Earth, evolution wasn’t a biological process. It was a complex chemical process with several inorganic, and, later, organic compounds. Scientists could reproduce the first chemical reactions that initiated the life on the Earth. How did life appear on Earth? Is evolution real? It sounds ridiculous but chemistry was the reason. How can this be confirmed? Let’s find out! (more…)

Filed under Chemistry.

One More Year With Assignment Expert

One More Year With Assignment Expert

One more year with Assignment expert came to its end. We sincerely hope that you’ve had a great time with us and we can’t wait to improve our services and please you even more! Here, we are going to prove you our success gained during 2015 with numbers. And if you haven’t known yet, our website has important news and several useful updates which we’ll also show you in our New Year Assignment Expert post. Enjoy! (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.