Peculiarities of Higher Education in Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the richest and most well-resourced countries in the world. It is a country famous for its amazing architectural buildings, banks, clocks, crystal clear water, and the most delicate cheese and a delicious chocolate. This country boasts not only for the high standard of living, but also for its highly developed education. People from all over the world come there “to gnaw granite of science”. The system of higher education in Switzerland, which has given the world more than a dozen Nobel laureates and millions of excellent professionals, is especially notable.

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What happens when you hit a magnet with a hammer?


You may haven’t known that but all materials in the world reveal some magnetic properties, so one can classify any media by the behavior in the external magnetic field.

Here you can see a typical scheme of the field created by a permanent rod-shaped magnet. Black lines (called magnetic force lines) show the direction of the field in space. The density of lines represents the strength of the field. The denser the lines – the stronger the field. By agreement the direction of the magnetic field outside magnet is chosen to be from the north pole to the south pole. To be honest poles are just a way of saying that a field has a certain direction, in fact there are no poles of course.

what happens if you hit a magnet with a hummer

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Filed under News, Physics.

Video-technologies in Education


Today, the word “modernization” is heard at every turn. The development, improvement and innovation in science and technology are something to what modern human affection is growing rapidly. Hence the development of communications and telecommunications in various fields: business, manufacturing, medicine, as well as in education.

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Filed under Education, Homework Help, News.

A Quick Way to Prepare for an Exam!

Most of the students know the unpleasant feeling when eyes just stick together, the head is as heavy as iron, and the mind simply refuses to accept the incredible amount of information that you need to learn for a few days before the exam. At this point, students tortured a painful question: “How quickly prepare for the exam?” To which they do not find an answer.


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Filed under Education, News.

Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion

Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician and astronomer who lived between 1571 and 1630 was a determined scientist who was so interested in studying the motion of planets such that he started to demonstrate early in his career that the planets were always in circular motion in agreement with the Aristotelian credence using Platonic solids to describe the motion of the planets.

Kepler inherited the works of Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer who died in 1601and to whom Kepler was a friend and assistant. Kepler studied Tycho’s works and data without a telescope; he came to understand many things about the planets and their motions particularly that if focus could shift from seeing the earth as the centre of the universe to the sun being the centre, then he concluded that the motion of the planets must then be seen as elliptical.
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Filed under News, Physics.