Career without a Higher Education: Myth or Reality?

The phrase “higher education is required” in almost every vacancy announcement, unless it is a question of working careers. But does this mean that without higher education, you should forget about a career? After all, in fact, often a year of work experience is more than five years of sitting at lectures.

Issue. “I feel like a cat on a hot tin roof because I do not have a diploma.”

Recipe. Stop marking time in one place, start to move forward. Pull your head out of the sand and look around. Find the motivation, set a goal and gradually move toward it. You are afraid to change jobs because you do not have the appropriate special education? But you have a clear understanding that the area, where you are working, does not fit you. Find the courage to admit it. Set the specific purpose of your activities. Map out the achievement. And – get it! In order to change the life, you do not need much – just take the first step. It is never too late to change your profession.

Example. Jane has been working in the school for a long time. While the uncontrollable pupils, nervous parents and ridiculous salary are not forced her to resign. Looking around her district, she saw that the immediate vicinity needs a small flower shop. During the five years her store bought branches throughout the city. But Jane does not have a theoretical knowledge for doing business. She says: “Sure, it was scary! I have divided the whole process of opening a store in the tiny steps – today should be spent at the tax office, tomorrow is for order the shelves. Behind small steps my idea wasn’t seen throughout the global. I think that it helped me to reach the desired result. “

Issue. “Is it matter I have a special education or not?”

Recipe. Higher education is good, but that’s not all. It only means that you are able to learn. Yesterday’s student does not automatically become a professional; the title must be earned over the years of practical work. After all, how often yesterday’s students starting the real work hear: “Forget everything you’ve been taught!”

Example. Elizabeth received the degree of environmental engineer. And even she worked in a large enterprise, receiving preferable salary. But the office routine brought her to a sharp change of activity. She has always loved to sew, learned this on her own. Gathering all courage, Elizabeth went to the Fashion House, which was located just down the road to her former job. More than once she looked into its window, going to her boring papers. And she was hired on the position of a seamstress. Today, she heads one of the divisions of the Fashion House.

Issue. “Without higher education, I would not be able to achieve decent career heights.”

Recipe. Stop thinking so – just work! No long swing. Many professions can be learned by walking the beaten track. You want to be a journalist? Start writing, rather than waiting until you will have a diploma. Publish your works in small newspapers and magazines. So you start up the necessary contacts and “cluttered” the hand.

Example. Chloe escaped from the design studio, where for several years has been developing projects of lamps, cabinets and sofas to the … policy. Diploma of proper education she never received, but the governor’s seat of one of the USA cities – yes.

Issue. “How am I going to work in a team where there is more qualified staff than I am?”

Recipe. None of your colleagues will research your diplomas, because everyone is interested in only a good final result. If you can reach it without a crust of higher education, what’s the problem?

Example. Catherine was able to pick up a business of her friend to new heights due to the lack of special education. Knowing nothing about the fundamentals of the advertising business, she offers completely original ideas attracting new orders and large fees for the firm.

Issue. “Interviewers can just throw my CV if they won’t see the word “higher” in the “education” field.

Recipe. Your trump card is your experience. Explain that you spend time on skills rather than sitting out on the notes. However, even if you stupidly spent the last three years, no one can stop you from talking about the desire to “work, work and work”. Experience and enthusiasm make positive impression. Prove that even your non-professional interests can benefit your career. The employer may prefer the candidate who three years studied and no longer does anything from the interviewing crowd of a candidate with three years’ experience.

Example. Rachel gets a job at a fashion magazine. And in her CV in the “Education” field the “general average” was underlined. But she dumped before the interviewer so many literary opus published in a small local newspaper that she was hired immediately.

It is difficult to predict what will play a crucial role in the interview. For some, it may be more important to have education, for others – the experience, and for the third a lot of examples of your work will be enough. Each situation is individual. But you have to be prepared for maximum. Don’t have higher education? Convince the employer on your works, experiences, courses, individual qualities.

And do not allow stereotypes to define your life. Sometimes young businessman with no higher education can reach great heights. There are many examples of people who have reached the heights without higher education. The world-famous billionaire Bill Gates hasn’t graduated from Harvard. Therefore try, look, aim! And you will get all of that!

Filed under Education.
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