In about 150 words, propose a few suggestions on how human trafficking can be managed and its impact minimized.
Expert's answer
In order to manage human trafficking the following has to be put into consideration;
Learn the indicators of human trafficking on the TIP Office’s website or by taking a training. Human trafficking awareness training is available for individuals, businesses, first responders, law enforcement, educators, and federal employees, among others.
If you are in the United States and believe someone may be a victim of human trafficking, call or report an emergency to law enforcement by calling 911. Trafficking victims, whether or not U.S. citizens, are eligible for services and immigration assistance.
Be a conscientious and informed consumer. Find out more about who may have picked your tomatoes or made your clothes at responsible sourcing tool. Encourage companies to take steps to prevent human trafficking in their supply chains and publish the information, including supplier or factory lists, for consumer awareness.
Volunteer and support anti-trafficking efforts in your community.
Meet with and/or write to let them know you care about combating human trafficking and ask what they are doing to address it.
Be well-informed. Set up a web alert to receive current human trafficking news.
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