Discuss the two types of citizenship education and indicate which approach (active or passive) you think is the best for learners. Substantiate your answer
Citizenship education is education that provides the background knowledge necessary to create an ongoing stream of new citizens participating and engaging with the creation of a civilized society. Crick (1998) defines citizenship education as including three distinct strands: moral and social responsibility, community involvement and political literacy. There are several types of citizenship education available in the public school systems intended to provide a basic foundation of civic knowledge representing the minimum one may need to know to participate in society. Types of citizenship education includes; life skills and moral education. Moral education may be defined as helping children and young people to acquire a set of beliefs and values regarding what is right and wrong. This set of beliefs guides their intentions, attitudes and behaviors towards others and their environment. Life skills on the other hand focuses on enhancing the self – esteem, building confidence, being assertive, managing emotions, handling failures, communication and interpersonal skills, respecting others, being empathic, decision making, problem solving, resilience and much more.
I think active approach is best for learners. This is because active learning allows for frequent feedback, stimulates attention, participation and discussion, and develops critical thinking.
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