Cultures exert a powerful influence on our conducts most of the time without the society is even aware of its influence. Deviation from the cultural norms is found in all society for a number of reasons. To some extent there is individual free wills in every society to deviate or diverge from the culturally expected norms. However, choosing an alternative may result in unpleasant consequences. Based on your review and experience in the community, compare and discuss the difference between ideal behaviours (what people are expected to do) and real behaviour (what people actually do) in the context of a community that you will consider as an example in this assignment. Consult as an example a Cultural -Specific Disorder
During the stages of human life, real behaviour refers to the potential and manifested ability for physical, mental, and social action. Like other animal species, humans have a predictable life cycle that includes several stages of development, each with its own set of morphological, physiological, and behavioural characteristics. Prenatal life, childhood, adolescence, and maturity are the stages (including old age). While ideal behaviour is defined as embodying such a concept or adhering to such a standard and is used as a template for others to follow.
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