13. The psychological dimension comprises of three components. The third component is
volition and it refers to …
1.purposeful behaviour or free will.
2.crime that is committed for its benefits.
3.responses evoked from parents and peers.
4.children with behavioural problems.
14.According to the … model, it is better to let several criminals go free, than to falsely
incarcerate innocent people, as individual rights are an important issue.
1. rational thought
2. classical criminology
3. crime control
4. due process
15.The process of motivation is … driven.
1. thought
2. action
3. need
4. intent
13.1.purposeful behaviour or free will.
-Volition or will is a by which one decides on and commits to a particular course of action. It is defined as purposive behaviour or free will
14.2. classical criminology
-the proposers of this model believed that there should be the separation of powers in criminal law due to the potential for abuse and misuse. The essence of crime was the harm that it did to society. Therefore, it is better to prevent crimes than to punish them and from this an idea arose that it is better to let a guilty man go free than to punish an innocent man.
15.3. need
-Needs/motives are the driving/starting point of motivation. An unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives within the individual. These drives generate a search behavior to achieve particular goals that will satisfy the need and lead to a reduction of tension.
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