29. The idea of citizenship entails ... .
a) a legal status (to be a citizen)
b) an emphasis on cosmopolitan ideals
c) citizenship as a practice (to act as a citizen)
d) an emphasis on formal schooling
1. a) and d)
2. b) and d)
3. a), b) and c)
4. a), b) and d)
30. A cosmopolitan view of citizenship and citizenship education seeks to prepare South African learners to ... .
a) act locally but think globally
b) become more like America
c) ignore global issues
d) focus on local problems
1. c)
2. a), c) and d)
3. b), c), and d)
4. a)
31. Which of the following were not components of Apartheid ‘citizenship’ in South Africa:
a) The classification of South Africans into different race groups.
b) The denial of full civil, social or political rights for black people.
c) Equality for all citizens.
d) The establishment of the ‘homeland’ system
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