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1.3 critically analyse the different epistemologies informing different theoretical assumptions in inclusive education

analyse the procurement management function to reflect its relationship with different aspects influencing supply chain

Discuss the relationship between Bronfenbrenners ecological theory and the factors that influence intelligence.(10)

1.1 Choose a contemporary South African or African artist. Research this artist Sindy Sherman

1.1.a. Give a short background or biography of the artist in your own words.

Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follows.

Your school is planning to celebrate Heritage day . In the organising meeting, your principal requested that you as the art teacher should lead by example. The principal communicated that your class will be used as an gallery where all visitors on that day will come and witness that heritage means.

Based on this scenario, how are you going to ensure that multiculturalism is evident in your classroom? Explain by means of examples.

2.3. Use your knowledge of the social constructivism theory to demonstrate the importance of a stimulating classroom environment conducive for learning art.

Provide two examples of developmentally appropriate activities that you can present to a foundation phase class

Discuss the various experience and response of the khoekhoe as result of white settlement at Cape from the mid 17th century to the mid 18 century

describe globalisation and state whether unilever applies the concept when they developing websites for different countries

1.According to which theory is group-work encouraged? Why does this scientist see it as


2.Piaget’s formal operational stage begins at around age 11 or 12 and continues throughout adulthood. Does this suggest that once one reaches this level of cognitive development that they plateau? Or, are there different levels of formal operations?

3.Discuss why it is important for teachers to understand the development of sexuality and what factors are important to know.

Discuss the relationship between Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory and the factors that

influence intelligence

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