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Sternberg proposed the triarchic theory of human intelligence. Which intelligence does he

consider to be the most important? Why do you say so?

Zanile, 12 years old, is only able to recognise familiar faces of her family members. Her communication is limited to a few one word answers and she needs constant adult care. The psychologist’s report to the care facility indicated that she has an IQ score of 35. Zanile’s level of Intellectual Disability is

Creative thinking is associated with the ability to be innovative and discover new solutions to solve problems. Which of the following is not characteristic of creative thinking

Dave collects old motor vehicles tyres to create artifacts such as flowerpots for the garden. The ability to create such artifacts is an example of

Visit the Unilever website, at, and compare their South African website with the UK website. 3.1 Which approach to global PR does the Unilever website use? Substantiate your discussion with examples from the website. (10) 3.3 Describe glocalisation and state whether Unilever applies this concept when they are developing websites for different countries. Substantiate your discussion with examples from the website

Briefly explain how you could use both verbal and non-verbal communication in delivering that

Discuss the concept of Ubuntu in an African philosophy of education

Why is important for teachers to understand the development of sexuality and what factors are important to know

According to which theory is group work encouraged

Discuss the relationship between Brontenbrenners ecological theory and the factor that influence intelligence

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