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Briefly explain the heuristic in Auditing, give some reasons and example and do support your answer according to Islamic ethics

 Dr. Stuart is an ethologist. He is interested in studying antipredator behavior. Although there are numerous studies performed in the laboratory testing monkeys and other animals using rubber snakes, Dr. Stuart argues that these data are fundamentally flawed for several reasons. First, a toy snake will be missing cues that may trigger a response. For example, smell and movement might be strong cues that trigger a fight or flight response when an animal detects a predator. In addition, most animals tested in the laboratory have never lived in the wild. Also, laboratory conditions are very different from the natural habitat of these animals. Therefore it is difficult to determine whether a laboratory animal’s antipredator response is normal, or a product of the laboratory conditions. 

Dr. Stuart plans to address these problems by doing a field experiment in which mice are confronted with a live snake. He would like to test approximately 30 common field mice in a colony that he has been observing in a nearby grassy woodland area. Dr. Stuart will use common garter snakes as they live as predators. He will release the garter snake near a field mouse and observe the mouse’s response. He will also videotape the encounter for later analysis. He will try to remove the garter snake prior to any actual attack on the field mouse. In his proposal, Dr. Stuart notes that the experimental results cannot be directly applied to human behavior. He argues, however, that the experiment will address the shortcomings in previous research on antipredator behavior.

1.    When physical reality is unclear, other people become a major source of information.”  Is this conclusion supported by research?

A. “A child who has sustained damage to the brain stem (including the spinal cord) is  likely to experience difficulty with …”

1. processing sensory input, perception and special movement.

2. complex thoughts, movement, language and executive functioning.

3. transmission of neural impulses to and from the brain.

4. emotion, attention and motivation.

B. Which of the following examples does NOT demonstrate emotional competency?

1. Recognising when one feels sadness and focusing on coping with the emotion  and getting over it.

2. Recognising that one can feel anger yet manage to stay calm in front of others.

3. Knowing that expressing anger towards a friend on a regular basis can harm the  friendship.

4. Seeing a friend feeling anxious and assuming he or she is in a bad mood.

C. The following are examples of recognised stress models, except one. Which one of  the given options is NOT a recognised stress model?

1. Adapted Stress Model

2. Transaction Model

3. Life Change Model

4. General Adaptation Syndrome

 Learning does not take place without what

Multiple Choice questions

a) Lizzy always feels like she is never included in group activities or social events. 

She has become depressed and lonely. According to Maslow, which category of 

needs has NOT been fulfilled?

1. Love and belonging needs

2. Self-actualisation needs

3. Safety needs

4. Self-esteem needs

b) The following are examples of recognised stress models, except one. Which one of 

the given options is NOT a recognised stress model?

1. Adapted Stress Model

2. Transaction Model

3. Life Change Model

4. General Adaptation Syndrome

c) Kohlberg identified 6 stages of moral judgement presented here in random order: 

A. The child becomes aware of the wider rules of society, so judgments concern 

obeying the rules in order to uphold the law and to avoid guilt.

B. The person will be prepared to act to defend principles even if it means going 

against the rest of society in the process and having to pay the consequences of 

disapproval and or imprisonment.

C. The child becomes aware that while rules or laws might exist for the good of the 

greatest number, there are times when they will work against the interest of 

particular individuals. 

D. The child is good in order to avoid being punished. If a person is punished, they 

must have done wrong.

E. The child is good in order to be seen as being a good person by others. Therefore, 

answers relate to the approval of others.

F. The child recognises that there is not just one right view that is handed down by 

the authorities. Different individuals have different viewpoints.

Which is the correct rank order beginning with stage 1? 

1. D, F, E, A, C, B

2. B, E, D, F, A, C 

3. A, F, B, C, E, D 

4. C, A, F, D, E, B

d) A child who has sustained damage to the brain stem (including the spinal cord) is 

likely to experience difficulty with …”

1. processing sensory input, perception and special movement.

2. complex thoughts, movement, language and executive functioning.

3. transmission of neural impulses to and from the brain.

4. emotion, attention and motivation.

e) Which of the following examples does NOT demonstrate emotional competency?

1. Recognising when one feels sadness and focusing on coping with the emotion 

and getting over it.

2. Recognising that one can feel anger yet manage to stay calm in front of others.

3. Knowing that expressing anger towards a friend on a regular basis can harm the 


4. Seeing a friend feeling anxious and assuming he or she is in a bad mood.

Collect and analyse data on the topic of change blindness and write up your findings as an empirical report.

Goal of Adlerian psychology

John finished his math assignment in 1/2 hours. Then he completed his chemistry assignment in 3/5

 hours. How much more time did John spend on his chemistry assignment?

The population consist of the number 9,11,13, 15.find all simples of size 2 with simpling is without replacement.

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