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Which of the following is a charactoristic of the large intestine

1 to absorb water

2 To secret the alkaline digestive enzymes

3 to secret mucus

4 it include the ascending transverse and discending colon

The accessory orga of the digestive system which produce enzymes ,homones,and bicarbonate

1 pancreas

2 Gall bladder

3 liver

4 Appendix

What does the enzymee lipase digest

1 Polypetide

2 Maltose

3 Fat-soluble vitamin

4 fat

The accessory organ that produce bile for digestion and processes vitamin and lipids is called

1 the gall bladder

2 the pancreas

3 doudenum

4 the liver

Which one of the following option lists only organic compound

1 water ,oxygen ,carbon dioxide ,electrolytes

2 Carbohydrates , protein, fats

3 Water electrolytes, salt , protein

4 salt ,vitamin, water mineral

A blood component invoved in blood cloting is

1 A platelet

2 Globulin

3 fibrin ( and frinogen)

4 Albumin

Which of the following choices correctly traces the route of glomerular filtration on its path to the collecting duct of a nephron

1 Bowman's capsule ,distal tubulle ,descending loop the hanle,ascending loop of the henle, pxoximal tubil

2 Bowman's capsule , Proximal tibule , Ascending loop of the henle, Descending loop of the henle , Distal tubule

3 Proximal tubule , Bowman's capsule, Descending loop of the henle, Ascending loop of the henle , Distal tubule

4 Bowman's capsule, Proximal tibule, Descending loop of the henle, Ascending loop of the henle, Distal tibule

Urine is formed in a three steps process ; which of the following gives the correct order in which these steps place in the nephron

1glomerular filtration,tibular reabsorption,tibular secretion

2 tibular reabsorption, tibular secretion, glomerular filtration

3 tibular secretion, glomerular filtration, tibular reabsorption

4 glomerular filtration, tibular secretion , tibilar reabsorption

The body system which function in the removal of nitrogenous wast from the blood and mantainance of electrolytes balance in the body fluids ; includes kidneys,ureters,bladder and urenthra

1 cadiovascular system

2 endocrine system

3 excretory system

4 mascular system

Which function division of the nervous system would be responsible for the phsiological changes seen during exercise increased heart and swelling

1 somatic

2 autonomic

3 enteric

4 central

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