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Discuss the various factors that help in promoting positive health

and wellbeing.

As public relations officer of the student representative council (SRC) at your university, you have been tasked to compile a communication plan for a campaign that will be used to explain the role of SRC to first tear Student. Choose any one if the communication models explained in the presentation and explain how such a communication plan could be guided by your chosen model.

Use the presentation to indicate why the mass communication will be beneficial to get the message s of the non-profit organisation's campaign across to school children.

As a student, explain one instance where you engaged in Intrapersonal communication and one instance where you engaged in Interpersonal communicationin in your studies,. Which communication context helps you to generate brilliant ideas about your studies. Use the information in the presentation slides to substantiate your answer.

1. Which domain describes the self as a biological processes?

2. The member of Community Policing Forum ask Mr Donald to allow them to meet in his garage. Mr Donald is not necessarily cooperative about this request as he feels that his area is invaded. Mr Ronald's behavior reflects what?

Question 23

According to research, people with . . . personalities are at high risk for developing coronary heart disease.

1. Type A

2. Type B

3. Hardy

4. 1and3

Question 24

The . . . approach to personality is based on the idea that behaviour is shaped by the wishes, desires and feelings that people are unaware of.

1. behaviouristic 2. biological

3. humanistic

4. psychoanalytic

Question 25

Which of the following describes Cattell’s trait theory of personality?

1. An important aspect is the way traits are organized or related to each other

2. People have cardinal, central and secondary traits

3. Source traits represent an underlying personality characteristic

4. Personality is made up of five innate, universal traits that are stable over time

Question 20

After watching the movie called “Orange is the new Black” that depicts the reality of hard life in prison, James learned that committing a crime is a serious offense and will lead to one going to jail. Therefore, he must avoid committing any crime. This is an example of . . . learning.

1. latent

2. observational 3. cognitive

4. classical

Question 21

Which statement provides the best definition of personality?

1. An individual’s value and his ability to behave according to those values

2. The hereditary aspects of a person’s emotional nature

3. Stable qualities that a person shows in various situations

4. A person’s evaluation of themselves

Question 22

A person who can cope with stress by means of personal commitment, and taking control over the situation can be described as having . . .

1. stress response specificity

2. hardy personality

3. biological homeostasis

4. type A personality

Question 17

In Classical conditioning, the term spontaneous recovery refers to . . .

1. the disappearance of a previously learned response

2. the tendency to respond to similar but not identical stimuli

3. the strengthening of a likelihood of a response

4. the reappearance of a response which seems to have been extinguished

Question 18

Which one of the following is not by definition, a learned perceptual-motor skill?

1. To pick up a glass of water, then a cloth lying on the floor

2. To dive from a high diving-board

3. To get the rugby ball from the scrum and pass it to the fly-half

4. To cut a diamond to show off its beauty

Question 19

You are teaching your dog to catch a ball and bring it back to you. On every third occasion that the dog brings the ball back, you give him a biscuit as a reward. What kind of reinforcement schedule are you using?

1. Fixed interval schedule

2. Variable interval schedule

3. Fixed ratio schedule

4. Variable ratio schedule

Question 14

The method of improving memory by summarising aloud while you are learning is called . . .

1. organisation

2. recitation

3. whole learning

4. spaced practice

Question 15

Precious had a bad experience last year of losing a loved one. She was traumatised by the incident and she tries to put the experience behind her and focus on her future. Precious’ reaction to the incident can be explained in terms of . . .

1. motivated forgetting

2. retrieval failure

3. memory decay

4. interference

Question 16

Which of the following is not one of the components of Bandura’s observational learning theory?

1. Attention 2. Motivation 3. Retention 4. Frequency

Question 11

The term . . . refers to the process of being unable to retrieve the information stored in memory.

1. encoding

2. interference 3. retrieval

4. forgetting

Question 12

Sarah is trying to remember her friend’s new cell phone number. One of the easiest ways to recall a cellphone number is through . . .

1. phonological loop

2. visuospatial sketchpad

3. executive control system

4. long-term memory

Question 13

Which of the following memory is responsible for storing explicit, factual information such as names, and places?

1. Non-declarative memory

2. Declarative memory

3. Short-term memory

4. Working memory

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