Atieno shook her head in obvious wonder as she watched her six-year old girl recite a poem. However, on top of Atieno's mind lingered a question, "does the lass understand the poem" what does it mean to her?" Based on this story explain the factors that influence the development of meaning.
Child labor has become a hot topic that has piqued the interest of many social activists. Many children work informally on the streets, in households, and some companies. We witness them selling plastic bags, candy, washing cars, assisting military rebels, and so on. Atieno in the poem is just one example. She represents this class. She is working as a house girl at the age of eight, and oddly, without compensation. She should have been in STD 2 at this age. Nonetheless, she works at her uncle's house.
Oppression And Exploitation. Despite increased awareness of human rights violations, the world continues to face the problem of exploitation and tyranny.
The young girl in the poem is exploited as well as oppressed by her uncle. Even though she works and handles all household responsibilities, she is not paid or provided with enough care.
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