Psychopathology is the study of dysfunctional and mental disorders, causes, and nature. It is also the study of behavior that are maladaptive. The approach available during the twentieth century was first behavior therapy, whereby it is mainly about the idea that maladaptive behavior is studied. The main aim is to teach the clients new behaviors and eliminate problems. It is mainly concerned with the idea that psychology is majorly interested in the observable behavior rather than the unobservable occasions experienced internally. It has been highly practiced in addressing intimacy in couples, chronic pains, and substance abuse. The approach is mainly based on operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
There is the humanistic approach responsible for assisting people in identifying their sense and feeling of the meaning of life. It focuses on free will and creativity in the human potential of viewing yourself as a whole being. It comprises two therapies that are the gestalt and client-centered therapy. The approach is responsible for treating relationship problems, addictions, anxiety, and depression. It effectively assists the client in developing a more robust and healthy sense of self-admiration and developing the required feelings for gaining a sense of life. The goal is to give the client a self-actualization perception.
The psychodynamic approach is responsible for uncovering the unconscious content for a person’s physical tension. It is mainly the learning of human behavior in terms of feelings and emotions and the relationship to their previous experiences. It digs into the childhood experiences and connects to the current difficulties that are witnessed.
In conclusion, is the biological approach is related to the genetic consequences that influences behavior believe. It examines the thoughts and feelings from a physical and biological point of view.
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