Addiction is defined as a condition in which a person uses a substance or engages in a behavior for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeat the behavior despite negative consequences. Addiction can be caused by the use of substances or by behavior.
Addiction can manifest physically in a variety of ways, depending on the person and the substance to which they are addicted. We'll go over how various drugs and habits can physically affect a person.
Both short-term and long-term drug use, as well as addictive behaviors, can alter the brain.
Even though recent research has shown that addiction is a legitimate illness that is beyond a person's control, there is a stigma surrounding the disease that keeps it taboo.
Dominant beliefs in my society about addicts are that addiction is a choice and that it is a moral failing rather than a medical condition because they typically lie and steal to obtain drugs, and that people who abuse drugs require help. Yes, these beliefs stigmatize addicts because they ignore research that shows addicts have brain issues and that addiction is a disease that must be treated. Because society's dominant beliefs make people feel ashamed of their addiction, they hide it from everyone.
Because society's prevalent views make people feel ashamed of their addiction, they hide it from everyone, which means they don't treat the fundamental causes of their addiction.
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