Share an intentional health-related behavior change that you have made in the past (it is ok if it wasn’t maintained long term).
Did your personal experience relate to any of the ideas or theories in the readings or videos this week? Explain the idea or theory briefly along with your experience related to the idea or theory.
Do you feel that knowing any of these ideas or theories in the past would help you to get through the behavior change? If so, please share your thoughts on that as well.
Few years ago I had a habit of eating unhealthily. Mostly I used to eat cold cooked food all time
and taking direct drinks from the fridge. After six months, I started experiencing stomach problems and fever. When I went to the hospital, the doctor stated that I had a stomach bacterial infection. The doctor asked me lot of questions including if I take cold drinks or food which I concluded to be a yes. That is when my decision to change this health related behavior started.Changing this kind of behavior was not that easy for me, sometimes I would be okay for few days then the other days, am back to the same routine. I can relate my experience with the stages of change model .This model focus on our readiness to change in certain health related behaviors. It describes five stages which according to Ogden (2017), they include pre-contemplation stage (a person not willing to think about change), contemplation stage (a person thing about change), preparation change (a person starts to prepare to change), action stage (a person starts to making changes),maintenance stage (a person sticks to change the behavior), and relapse (a person goes back to the old behavior). Yes, if I had known this behavioral change idea before, I would have been able to understand the changing process and how to go about it.
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