Identify and explain with practical examples the top ten Internet security flaws that system administrators must eliminate to avoid becoming an easy target for hackers.
The top ten internet security flaws include unvalidated redirects and forwards, such as changing URL, which exposes the system to attacks by directing it to unathorized pages.
Insufficient transport layer protection involves the use of weak alogarithms, which enables attackers to access important information that they can use to launch an attack on the system.
Lack of URL restrictions can lead to exposure of sensitive information to attackers.
Unsalted passwords could also cause failure to secure the system's information, which encourages attacks.
Security misconfiguration could cause compromise, which is caused by failure to change default accounts.
Malicious websites could lead to forgery, including Cross Site Requests, which perform unwanted actions.
Use of insecure direct objects enables attackers to change URL and access important information from the system.
Broken authentications and failure to check password strength could also cause serious attacks on the system.
Cross site scripting could lead to insertion of harmful scripts into the victim's browser.
The SQR command may lead to exposure of back-end data, which encourages attacks on the system.
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