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Dealing With Months

by CodeChum Admin

We're done dealing with days. It's time to step up and now deal with months!


  1. In the code editor, you are provided with a code in the main() which has 12 cout's. Each cout prints a month with its corresponding value. For this program, January is 1, February is 2, March is 3, and so on. When you run the initial code, you will encounter errors because these month names that have been printed don't exist yet.
  2. Your task is to create an enum data type which contains these month names as values so that when we run the code, there will be no more error.
  3. Do not edit anything in the main().



Create three arrays of type double. Do a compile-time initialization and place

different values in two of the arrays. Write a program to store the product of the

two arrays in the third array. Produce a display using the MessageBox class

that shows the contents of all three arrays using a single line for an element from

all three arrays. For an added challenge, design your solution so that the two

original arrays have a different number of elements. Use 1 as the multiplier when

you produce the third array.

Using Pointer

The students’ IDs and test answers are

stored in a file. The first entry in the file contains answers to the test in the form:


Every other entry in the file is the student ID, followed by a blank, fol- lowed by the student’s responses. For example,

the entry:


indicates that the student ID is ABC54301 and the answer to question 1 is True, the answer to question 2 is False, and

so on. The exam has 20 questions, and the class has more than 150 students.

Each correct answer is awarded two points, each wrong answer gets one point deducted, and no answer gets zero


Write a program that processes the test data. The output should be the student’s ID, followed by the answers, followed

by the test score, followed by the test grade. Assume the following grade scale: 90%–100%, A; 80%–89.99%, B; 70%–

79.99%, C; 60%–69.99%, D; and 0%–59.99%, F.

Use Pointer

Write a program that allows the user to enter the last names of a number of candidates in a local election and the

number of votes received by each candidate. The program should then output each candidate’s name, the number of

votes received, and the percentage of the total votes received by the candidate. Your program should also output the

winner of the election. A sample output is:

Number of Candidates: 5

Candidate Votes recieve %of total vote

Johnson 5000 25.91

Miller 4000 20.73

Duffy 6000 31.09

Robinson 2500 12.95

Ashtony 1800 9.33

Total 19300

The winner of the election is Duffy!!

Toll roads have different fees at different times of the day and on weekends. Write a function CalcToll() that has three arguments: the current hour of time (int), whether the time is morning (bool), and whether the day is a weekend (bool). The function returns the correct toll fee (double), based on the chart below.

Weekday Tolls

  • Before 7:00 am ($1.15)
  • 7:00 am to 9:59 am ($2.95)
  • 10:00 am to 2:59 pm ($1.90)
  • 3:00 pm to 7:59 pm ($3.95)
  • Starting 8:00 pm ($1.40)

Weekend Tolls

  • Before 7:00 am ($1.05)
  • 7:00 am to 7:59 pm ($2.15)
  • Starting 8:00 pm ($1.10)

Ex: The function calls below, with the given arguments, will return the following toll fees:

CalcToll(8, true, false) returns 2.95

CalcToll(1, false, false) returns 1.90

CalcToll(3, false, true) returns 2.15

CalcToll(5, true, true) returns 1.05


ravan's dream is to win the tic-tac-toe champions to accomplish this,the practices alone at home to learn the strategies in the game your task is to identify the cell where ravan should place his 3rd piece so that be wins the game Assume that each cell in the tic-tac-toe board is marked with number as shown in the table below

tic tac toe

0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8


the 1st line of input contains two space-separated integers represetation the cells where ravan has placed his 1st two piece


0 1

o/P: 2

i/p: 0 3



you are given two strings N &K your goal is to determine the smallest substring of N that contains all the characters in K If no substring present in N print No matches found

note: if a character is repeated multiple time in K your substring should also contain that character repeated the same no.of times

i/p:the 1st line input two strings N&K


stealen lent




tomato tomatho

no matches found

Discount sale:

it is a summer discount sale in mumbai and all the local shops have put up various offers Arjun selected N items to buy while standing in the building queue,he noticed the offer "buy two !" get two FREE!".this means that for every two items he buys they give him two items for free however ,items can be of varying prices they always charge for two most costly items and give the other two as free.Arjun is confused with grouping his items to reduce the total price he has to pay your task is to find the minimum price arjun has to pay to buy all the N items

input:the 1st line contains a single integer N

the 2nd line has N space-separated integers representing the cost of items



1 1 2 2




10 200




Rose bought 3 boxes of candies each box contains candies only of one specific flavor

box1:blue raspberry flavor

box2:butterscotch flavor

box3:cherry flavor

each day rose eats exactly two candies flavor(she won't eat two candies of the same flavor in a day)she won't eat more than 2 candies or 1 candy in a day .your task is to find the maximum number of days rose can keep eating candies.


the 1st line input contains 3 space-separated integers A,B,C denoting the no.of blue raspberry, butterscatch and cherry candies respectively

input: 1 1 1


i/p:1 2 1


Write a program to print the following,


The first line contains a string representing a scrambled word.

The second line contains some space-separated strings representing words guessed by the player.


The output should be a single integer of the final score.


scramble word = "tacren"

guessed words = ["trance", "recant"]

Since "trance" and "recant" both have length 6 then you score 54 pts each.

So the output is 108.

Sample Input1


trance recant

Sample Output1


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