On days when the weather is bad and the students cannot go outside to play, Mr. Manasa, who teaches class 4 of Suva Primary School, spends recess time playing a simplified version of the Hangman game with his class. The game requires two people to play. Currently, Mr. Manasa thinks of word that has five letters. He then draws five dashes on the chalkboard - one for each letter in the word. One student then is chosen to guess the word, letter by letter. If the student guesses a correct word, Mr. Manasa replaces the appropriate dash or dashes with the letter.
Create an application for Mr. Manasa using Visual Basic.Net.
Your application must have the following:
• The first player enters a five letter word
• Five dashes appearing on the screen representing the five secret letters of the word
• When a word is guessed correctly, the user should have the opportunity to play another game.
• Appropriate messages to be displayed if:
o a number is typed instead of a letter
o less than five letter word is entered
o more than five letter word is entered
• When the player chooses to end the game, your application should be able to print a summary of the guessed game; i.e. the total guessed word, the total correct guesses and the total wrong guesses.
Test Words:
Shade - Make two correct guesses (any two letters), the others should be wrong
Divan - Make five correct guesses
Bonus- Make 10 wrong guesses
Bonus mark:
• If you have two forms; the second from would have your summary (The total guessed word, the total correct guesses and the total wrong guesses.
• An interesting user interface before playing the game.
User Interface
You can design your own
Sample Output
Two correct letters – 3 wrong guesses
Sample Output-
Guessing the right word – appropriate message to be displayed