Make a simple billing application showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.
Create an application to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.
P3,000 for training fee
P250 per person for registration fee
Create an application to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.
P3,000 for training fee
P250 per person for registration fee
Using app Visual Studio C# 2008
Create a simple Application Manny Management Consulting charges P1,500 for training fee
and P120 per person for registration fee. Create an application
to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.
Manny Management Consulting charges P1,500 for training fee
and P120 per person for registration fee. Create an application
to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.
Write a VB program to calculate the Total amount to pay after included 6% GST and 10% Service Tax. Then, calculate the change value after payment.
*set the Enabled properties of service tax, GST, total and change text boxes to False
The Service Tax, GST, and Total will be calculated while the TextChanged event of the Enter Amount textbox is triggered.
The change value will be displayed in the Change textbox while the Clicked event of the Pay button is triggered.
Using Visual Studio Create a simple application Manny Management Consulting charges P2,000 for training fee
and P150 per person for registration fee. Create an application
to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due
Visual C# Studio
Using Visual Studio Create a simple application Manny Management Consulting charges P3,000 for training fee
and P250 per person for registration fee. Create an application
to help the accountant make a billing statement showing the
customer's name, address, number of participants, training fee,
registration fee and total amount due.