Ajayi bello applied for a bed space in the unity hall of residence but was not allocated for one, he later got an accomodation in apete through an agent he was asked to pay the following
(1) Rent of #36,000 per annum
(2) 5% caution fee
(3) 10% maintenance fee
(4) 5% legal fee
(5) 10% agency fee
Write a visual basic code to display the total amount that will pay for that year
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'(1) Rent of #36,000 per annum
Dim rent As Double = 36000
'(2) 5% caution fee
Dim cautionFee5 As Double = rent * 0.05D
'(3) 10% maintenance fee
Dim maintenanceFee10 As Double = rent * 0.1D
'(4) 5% legal fee
Dim legalFee5 As Double = rent * 0.05D
'(5) 10% agency fee
Dim agencyFee10 As Double = rent * 0.1D
Dim totalAmount As Double = rent + cautionFee5 + maintenanceFee10 + legalFee5 + agencyFee10
Console.WriteLine("Rent of #36,000 per annum")
Console.WriteLine("5% caution fee = {0}", cautionFee5)
Console.WriteLine("10% maintenance fee = {0}", maintenanceFee10)
Console.WriteLine("5% legal fee = {0}", legalFee5)
Console.WriteLine("10% agency fee = {0}", agencyFee10)
Console.WriteLine("The total amount that will pay for that year = {0}", totalAmount)
End Sub
End Module
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