I have opted for the double award in college but for one of the units requires VBA programming for an excel spreadsheet - for this sheet i have written a program that will copy and past whatever is highlighted and then clicking a macro will paste the data to the sheet under the existing data without overwritting this data - i shall provide the coding i have done - the problem is that when i debug the program there is an error - the computer technicians are unable to help.
Dim ColCounter As Integer
Sub open_form_testing_one()
' open_form_testing_one Macro
ColCounter = 1
Sheets("Sales Report ").Select
For ColCounter = 1 To 200
If Sheets("Sales Report ").Cell(ColCounter, 1) = "" Then [error line]
Range("A" & ColCounter).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
Next ColCounter
End Sub
if possible please change the code and send back the correct code via email.
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Unfortunately, your question requires more work than to be done for free. You can submit it as an assignment to our control panel set the deadline and our experts will assist you.
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