write a code in VB which will input the details in 3 parallel arrays (Item_name, quantity, price). Print the list of 5 items purchased in order of costliest to cheapest
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' 3 parallel arrays (Item_name, quantity, price).
Dim item_name(4) As String
Dim quantity(4) As Integer
Dim price(4) As Double
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
'get item name from the user
Console.Write("Enter the item name: ")
item_name(i) = Console.ReadLine()
'get item quantity from the user
Console.Write("Enter the quantity: ")
quantity(i) = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
'get item price from the user
Console.Write("Enter the price: ")
price(i) = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
selectionSort(item_name, quantity, price)
'Print the list of 5 items purchased in order of costliest to cheapest
Console.WriteLine("The list of 5 items purchased in order of costliest to cheapest: ")
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Console.WriteLine("The item name: " + item_name(i))
Console.WriteLine("The quantity: " + quantity(i).ToString())
Console.WriteLine("The price: " + price(i).ToString("C"))
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Selection sort. Sort by price
''' </summary>
''' <param name="item_name"></param>
''' <param name="quantity"></param>
''' <param name="price"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Sub selectionSort(ByRef item_name() As String, ByRef quantity() As Integer, ByRef price() As Double)
For i As Integer = 0 To item_name.Length - 1
Dim minIndex As Integer
For j As Integer = i + 1 To item_name.Length - 1
minIndex = i
If (price(j) < price(minIndex)) Then
minIndex = j 'find min value
End If
'Swap item names
Dim tempItemName As String = item_name(minIndex)
item_name(minIndex) = item_name(i)
item_name(i) = tempItemName
'Swap quantity
Dim tempQuantity As Integer = quantity(minIndex)
quantity(minIndex) = quantity(minIndex)
quantity(i) = tempQuantity
'Swap prices
Dim tempPrice As Double = price(minIndex)
price(minIndex) = price(i)
price(i) = tempPrice
End Sub
End Module
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