Write a C program to declare a structure name Employee consisting of the members (give appropriate data
type) name[30], salary, employee_ID[12], and age. Create three structure variables (emp1, emp2 and emp3) and
display the name and employee_ID of the person drawing highest salary.
Describe any 10 Core Network Services
Describe any 50 Port Numbers and their services
Write a script to print even and an odd number from any range.
Write a script to print even and an odd number from any range.
Write a script in most simplest way,
Because the way I asked for the same question, it doesn't give me any result, either provide two different method or script
Create a program that calculates the cost of building a desk. The main() function calls four other functions. Pass all variables so that the function makes copies of any variables they receive:
a. A function to accept as input from the keyboard the number of drawers in the desk. This function returns the number of drawers to the main program.
b. A function to accept as input the type of wood –‘m’ for mahogany, ‘o’ for oak, or ‘p’ for pine
c. A function that receives the drawer number and wood type, and calculate the cost of the desk based on the following:
This function returns the cost of the main() function.
d. A function to display the final price.