Write the commands to perfom the tasks mentioned below on a word document and upolad the document.
1. A command to list the details of all the files and directories in your current directory.
2. List the contents of all the file directories starting with “d” in the /etc directories
3. In the directory named Documents create two directories named classwork1a and classwork1b.
4. In the classwork1a create two files label.txt and practice.txt.
5. Copy the file label.txt from classwork1a into classwork1b.
6. Create a symbolic link of practice.txt on the Desktop.
7. Rename label.txt to new_label.txt
8. Copy the file host.conf from the directory /etc into the directory classwork1a.
9. Display the first 15 lines of the file.
6. mkdir -p /tmp/symlinks/{practice}
cd /tmp/symlinks
echo "one" > ./practice/practice.txt
1: ls
2: ls -d -l .
3: mkdir –p Linux/classwork1a/classwork1b
4: cat >file2
cat file1 file2 > file3
cat file3
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