Design a soft real time system for a vending machine that provides chocolates. Identify the different tasks and implement the same with a suitable scheduling algorithm.
a. Identify critical and non-critical tasks.
b. Which scheduling algorithm do you use? Justify the same.
c. Can we apply priority inversion or not? If so identify the tasks.
d. Give the Model
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Dear shibila, please use panel for submitting new questions.
24.07.15, 13:41
Design a soft real time system for a vending machine that provides
chocolates. Identify the different tasks and implement the same with a
suitable scheduling algorithm. a. Identify critical and non-critical
tasks. b. Which scheduling algorithm do you use? Justify the same. c.
Can we apply priority inversion or not? If so identify the tasks. d.
Give the Model
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Dear shibila, please use panel for submitting new questions.
Design a soft real time system for a vending machine that provides chocolates. Identify the different tasks and implement the same with a suitable scheduling algorithm. a. Identify critical and non-critical tasks. b. Which scheduling algorithm do you use? Justify the same. c. Can we apply priority inversion or not? If so identify the tasks. d. Give the Model
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