Write a program to generate passwords. The program should ask the user for a phrase and number, and then create the password based on our special algorithm. The algorithm to create the password is as follows:
If the users input word is less than 8 characters, output Password not long enough.
If the users input word is greater than or equal to 8 characters, do the following:
Replace es with @
Replace s or S with $
Replace t or T with +
Capitalize the word and add the number to the end.
Sample Run
Enter your word: zebras
Enter a number: 62
Password not long enough.
Enter your word: newyorkcity
Enter a number: 892
Password: N@wyorkci+y892
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26.03.20, 14:58
The code to Edhesive 7.2 Code Practice question 2 word = input("Enter
a word: ") number = input ("Enter a number: ") if (len(word) < 8):
print ("Password not long enough.") else: word = word.replace("e","@")
word = word.replace("s","$") word = word.replace("S","$") word =
word.replace("t","+") word = word.replace("T","+") word =
word.capitalize() print ("Password: " + word + number)
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The code to Edhesive 7.2 Code Practice question 2 word = input("Enter a word: ") number = input ("Enter a number: ") if (len(word) < 8): print ("Password not long enough.") else: word = word.replace("e","@") word = word.replace("s","$") word = word.replace("S","$") word = word.replace("t","+") word = word.replace("T","+") word = word.capitalize() print ("Password: " + word + number)
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