Hi i'm newbie on Python and my English is very bad. I finded DirectoryChangesNotify script on Autoit (with Dynamic Link Library). So i want cloning this script in Python. i writed functions. But i running script manual created c:\a folder. Python gives me OSError. I think error on callback function. Thank you for reading. windll.RMonitor.GetMonitoringResult() OSError: exception: access violation writing 0x0000000C Please download file:Includes:Dynamic link library source and autoit source. http://bit.ly/1hL2zRh
Expert's answer
Access violation error means that you try to read the wrong address in memory. In your case you try to load dynamic link library RMonitor.dll in memory and call some functions. The mentioned error means that something is wrong with library. We suppose that it was not loaded in memory. If RMonitor.dll is located in the same folder where your script 1.py is placed, you should remove line
because it redefines working directory and calls of RMonitor.dll causes problems. We cannot give more detailed answer because don't know a goal of your script.
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