I have a text file which shows a column of position of TF and strand(+ or -) and another column showing total sequence length. I want to create a program which can take an input of a starting integer and add the position of the TF and depending on whether the strand is positive or negative, we can either subtract or add the first added position of the TF. It should show one column showing TFBS positions which has the first position of the TFBS added with the position and the final position coming from either subtracted or added from the type of strand given. Thank you. I am adding the few of the lines of the file for a better understanding:
Position (Strand) Factor Name Sequence Total Sequence Length
201 (-) HNF-4 tgttgaaCTTTAagccaac 19
700 (+) Pax-6 gaagtTCACGgttcacatatt 21
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