Cipher with Key
A Keyword Cipher is a monoalpha
uses a key to provide en ption
In a substitution cipher each letter of
matched with a different letter accord to phetet
Using these letter matchings, every letter of the esse
substituted to get the encrypted messag
In a keyword cipher, the key determines the let he ciphertext alphabet is created by keeping the lette the beginning (after removing the repeated letters then the rest of remaining letters are used in aph
For example, if the key is zebras
Plaintext Alphabet: albicidjeifigibili Ciphertext Alphabet : zjelb/r/als/cidition
Notice that with this key, we are able to match each lecer of engl alphabet with a different letter. Using these matchings we can encrypt the word discovered as rpbluacerda
replaced with f,i is replaced with and soon
Given a key K and the message M, encrypt the message Keyword Cipher, using the given key
The first tine contains two
def cipherDictionary(key): # case sensetive version
alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,.-!?"
cipherDict = dict()
cipherDict[" "] = " " #remain spaces
added = set()
i = 0
for letter in alphabet:
index = ord(key[i])%len(alphabet) # ord() gets the ASCII number of a letter in key
while(index in added):
index = ( index+5 )%len(alphabet)
cipherDict[letter] = alphabet[index]
i = (i+1)%len(key) #move to next letter in key
return cipherDict
def encrypt(text, key):
cipher = cipherDictionary(key)
encrypted = ""
for i in text:
return encrypted
def decrypt(text, key):
decipher = {v: k for k, v in cipherDictionary(key).items()}
decrypted = ""
for i in text:
return decrypted
while True:
print("Encrypt - 1, dectypt - 2, exit - q: ")
mode = input()
if(mode == 'q'):
if(mode!='1'and mode!='2'):
print("Enter the message: ")
message = input()
print("Enter the keywoard: ")
keyword = input()
if (mode == '1'):
print(encrypt(message,keyword) )
elif (mode == '2'):
print(decrypt(message,keyword) )
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