Family List:
A list of words is called the Family if the words in the list follow the following rule.
we should be able to obtain each word in the list by
-changing exactly one letter from the previous word in the list
-or , by adding exactly one letter to the previous word in the list
-or ,by removing exactly one letter from the previous word in the list
Given a list of words ,determine if the list is a Family or Not a Family
The first line of input is an integer T representing the number of test cases
the first line of each test case has an integer N representing the total number of words
The second line contains N space separated strings
number_tests = int(input())
for _ in range(number_tests):
number_words = int(input())
words = list(map(str, input().split(' ')))
is_family = 1
for i, word in enumerate(words):
if i != 0 and word != words[i - 1]:
if abs(len(word) - len(words[i-1])) > 1:
is_family = 0
prev = words[i-1]
if len(word) == len(words[i-1]):
counter = sum(a != prev[j] for j, a in enumerate(word))
if counter > 1:
is_family = 0
elif len(word) > len(prev):
count_a = 0
t_word = 0
t_prev = 0
while t_prev < len(prev) and t_word < len(word):
if word[t_word] != prev[t_prev]:
t_prev -=1
count_a += 1
t_prev += 1
t_word += 1
if count_a > 1:
is_family = 0
count_a = 0
t_word = 0
t_prev = 0
while t_prev < len(prev) and t_word < len(word):
if word[t_word] != prev[t_prev]:
t_word -=1
count_a += 1
t_prev += 1
t_word += 1
if count_a > 1:
is_family = 0
if is_family == 1:
print("not a family")
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