Create a program that will accept two numbers and print the product, quotient, sum, difference, remainder, exponent and floor division. First number will be the left operand for quotient, difference, remainder, exponent, and floor division. Also, it prints "True" if it satisfies the condition and "False" otherwise: First number is within 10 and 20
Second number is within 10 and 20
from math import log
# manual input
# a = int(input("a = "))
# b = int(input("b = "))
def numbers(a, b):
if a > 20 or a < 10 or b > 20 or b < 10:
print(f"product {a}*{b} = {a*b}")
print(f"quotient {a}/{b} = {a/b}")
print(f"sum {a}+{b} = {a+b}")
print(f"difference {a}-{b} = {a-b}")
print(f"exponent {a}^n = {b} ==> n = {log(b, a)}")
# if you need b^n = a then replace last line with this one:
# print(f"exponent {b}^n = {a} ==> n = log(a, b")
print(f"floor division [{a}/{b}] = {a//b}")
a = 25
b = 12
numbers(a, b)
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