1 Overview In this program, you will solve a maze. You will read the map up from a file, build a tree to represent the maze, and then search through the tree, to find a path from the start to the end. Name your program maze_solver.py
1.1 Dump Points Solving the maze takes several steps, so I've broken it into smaller pieces. For each piece, I've added a "dump" option - if I ask for that particular dump, then you will stop the algorithm at that point, print out what you have so far, and then terminate the program. I've done this for two reasons. First, I hope that it will help guide you through the solution - since each step will be relatively small. Second, if you complete only part of the algorithm but not all of it, you can still get partial credit, because we'll have testcases that will stop you, and check your code, at various points in the process. (Yes, this reduces your flexibility, and locks you into an algorithm
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