Problem 1: Add a buyLotsOfFruit(orderList) function to which takes a list of (fruit,pound) tuples and returns the cost of your list. If there is some fruit in the list which doesn't appear in fruitPrices it should print an error message and return None (which is like nil in Scheme). Please do not change the fruitPrices variable.
Test Case: We will check your code by testing that the script correctly outputs Cost of [('apples', 2.0), ('pears', 3.0), ('limes', 4.0)] is 12.25
FruitPrices = {'apples':2.00, 'pears': 3.0, 'lime': 4.00}
AllPrice = 0.0
def buyFruit(orderList):
AllPrice = 0.0
for cost,price in FruitPrices.items():
if cost not in FruitPrices:
return None
AllPrice = AllPrice+FruitPrices[cost]
return AllPrice
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