How do I remove the extra "And" when I input 2 and 3 flavors? When I input, "Chocolate Vanilla" I don't get extra "And" but when I include, "Chocolate and Vanilla", I get the extra "And".
Example: You have selected Chocolate and Vanilla flavors!
My Incorrect Output: You have selected Chocolate And and Vanilla flavors!
order = input("\n" + first_name.capitalize() + "," " " + "Which flavors would you like on your icecream today?\n\n" +
"\n".join(["Chocolate", "Vanilla", "Strawberry"]) + "\n\n")
order = order.lower().split()
plural = "s" + "!" if len(order) > 1 else "" "!"
union = " and " if len(order) > 1 else ""
print("\nYou have selected" + " " + ", " .join(order[:-1]).title() + union + order[-1].title() + " " + "flavor" + plural)
first_name = 'John'
order = input("\n" + first_name.capitalize() + "," " " + "Which flavors would you like on your icecream today?\n\n" +
"\n".join(["Chocolate", "Vanilla", "Strawberry"]) + "\n\n")
order = order.lower().split()
plural = "s" + "!" if len(order) > 1 else "" "!"
# union = " and " if len(order) > 1 else "" <--- no longer needed
newOrder = ''
if 'and' in order: # if and was in the input, then remove it
r = len(order)
if r >= 2:
for i in range(r):
if i == r - 2: #if the index is equal to the penultimate element, then put and between it and the last element
newOrder += f"{order[i]} and {order[i+1]}"
break #break loop
newOrder += order[i] + ', '
newOrder = order[0]
print("\nYou have selected" + " " + newOrder + " " + "flavor" + plural)
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