Separate Faulty Items
Jeff Ordered several items from an online shop.After receiving the order, he found that some were faulty.So, he wants to separate the faulty items from the rest.
You are given the prices of the items jeff ordered, where a negative sign indicates a faulty item.Write a program to shift the prices of all the faulty items to the left without changing the relative order of the input.
The first line of input contains space separated integers.
sample input1
11 -12 13 -14 15 16
sample output1
-12 -14 11 13 15 16
sample input2
21 11 -3 -2 9
sample output2
-3 -2 21 11 9
Price = [11, -12, 13, -14, 15, 16]
print("Input: ", Price)
Output = []
for r in range(0, len(Price)):
if (Price[r] < 0):
for r in range(0, len(Price)):
if (Price[r] >= 0):
print("output: ", Output)
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