Magical stack
You are given a stack of N books in form of N integers which represent the author id of the book from the bottom of the stack.
You have to answer Q queries, In each query, you are given an integer x representing an author id and you will do the following operation:
• Remove the book which is at the highest depth of the stack and have the queried author id.
• Print the number of books below this book.
• Put this book at top of the stack
The book at the highest depth with author id x is the last book from the top of the stack having the author id x.
For Further Instructions Please view the question and diagram images links below:
Python program to design a DS that
supports following operations
in Theta(n) time:
a) Insert
b) Delete
c) Search
d) getRandom
import random
# Class to represent the required
# data structure
class MyDS:
# Constructor (creates a list and a hash)
def __init__(self):
# A resizable array
self.arr = []
# A hash where keys are lists elements
# and values are indexes of the list
self.hashd = {}
# A Theta(1) function to add an element
# to MyDS data structure
def add(self, x):
# If element is already present,
# then nothing has to be done
if x in self.hashd:
# Else put element at
# the end of the list
s = len(self.arr)
# Also put it into hash
self.hashd[x] = s
# A Theta(1) function to remove an element
# from MyDS data structure
def remove(self, x):
# Check if element is present
index = self.hashd.get(x, None)
if index == None:
# If present, then remove
# element from hash
del self.hashd[x]
# Swap element with last element
# so that removal from the list
# can be done in O(1) time
size = len(self.arr)
last = self.arr[size - 1]
self.arr[index], \
self.arr[size - 1] = self.arr[size - 1], \
# Remove last element (This is O(1))
del self.arr[-1]
# Update hash table for
# new index of last element
self.hashd[last] = index
# Returns a random element from MyDS
def getRandom(self):
# Find a random index from 0 to size - 1
index = random.randrange(0, len(self.arr))
# Return element at randomly picked index
return self.arr[index]
# Returns index of element
# if element is present,
# otherwise none
def search(self, x):
return self.hashd.get(x, None)
# Driver Code
if __name__=="__main__":
ds = MyDS()
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