Write a Python program that takes a dictionary as an input from the user and then prints the average of all the values in the dictionary.
[You are not allowed to use len() and sum()]
Hint (1): For taking dictionary input
Approach(1): For taking dictionary as an input from the user, you may take the whole dictionary as a string using the input() function. Then you can use the split(), strip() functions and conditions to get the keys and values from the string. Finally, you can make the dictionary using the obtained data.
Approach(2): If the first approach seems too difficult you can create an empty dictionary and then just run a simple loop. For each iteration ask the user for a key and a value using the input() function and keep updating the dictionary with the key and value.
Hint (2): After you have a dictionary, you can use dictionary functions to get all the values from it, run loop to calculate the sum and the total number of values in the dictionary in order to find out the average.
str_dict = input('Enter Dictionary in one line in format: key1:val1, key2:val2...\n')
dictionary = {}
for pair in str_dict.split(','):
dictionary[pair.split(':')[0].strip()] = int(pair.split(':')[1].strip())
s = 0
c = 0
for val in dictionary.values():
s += val
c += 1
if c != 0:
print('the average of all the values in the dictionary:', s/c)
print('the dictionary is empty')
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