Radioactive decay of radioactive materials can be modeled by the equation
A=Aoe^t(in 2/h) , where A is the amount of the material at time t, A0 is the amount at time 0, and h is the half-life. Technetium-99 is a radioisotope that is used in imaging of the brain. It has a half-life of 6 hours. Your program should display the relative amount A/A0 in a patient body every hour for 24 hours after receiving a dose. Note: With the aid of formatting techniques documented in your note, ensure your program output matches that given below. Program Output
1: 0.890899
2: 0.793701
3: 0.707107
4: 0.629961
5: 0.561231
6: 0.500000
7: 0.445449
8: 0.396850
9: 0.353553
10: 0.314980
11: 0.280616
12: 0.250000
13: 0.222725
14: 0.198425
15: 0.176777
16: 0.157490
17: 0.140308
18: 0.125000
19: 0.111362
20: 0.099213
21: 0.088388
22: 0.078745
23: 0.070154
24: 0.062500
from math import e
import numpy
A0 = int(input("A0:" ))
h = 6
t = 0
i = 0
print("Hours", " Millicuries")
while t < 25:
final = (A0 * e **(-t*(numpy.log(2)/h)))/A0
t = t + 1
print(i, " ", final)
i = i + 1
#By Jasur007
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