given a sentence , swap the occurrences of the most frequent letter which the least frequent letter and vice-versa. note : .consider upper and lower case letters as different. if there are multiple letters with the same frequency , choose the lowercase letters that comes earliest in dictionary order. if letter like S and B have same frequency consider X. if letter like X and b have same frequency consider b.?
# Function to return the lexicographically
# smallest after swapping all the
# occurrences of any two characters
def smallestStr(str, n):
i, j=0,0
# To store the first index of
# every character of str
chk=[0 for i in range(MAX)]
for i in range(MAX):
chk[i] = -1
# Store the first occurring
# index every character
for i in range(n):
# If current character is appearing
# for the first time in str
if (chk[ord(str[i])] == -1):
chk[ord(str[i])] = i
# Starting from the leftmost character
for i in range(n):
flag = False
# For every character smaller than ord(str[i])
for j in range(ord(str[i])):
# If there is a character in str which is
# smaller than ord(str[i]) and appears after it
if (chk[j] > chk[ord(str[i])]):
flag = True
# If the required character pair is found
if (flag):
# If swapping is possible
if (i < n):
# Characters to be swapped
ch1 = (str[i])
ch2 = chr(j)
# For every character
for i in range(n):
# Replace every ch1 with ch2
# and every ch2 with ch1
if (str[i] == ch1):
str[i] = ch2
elif (str[i] == ch2):
str[i] = ch1
return "".join(str)
# Driver code
#here you can add you own sentence
st = "jwdjwjrn"
str=[i for i in st]
n = len(str)
print(smallestStr(str, n))
#this code considered by expert Umed
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