Column Title
You are given a number that denotes a column in the Excel Sheet, write a program to calculate the column name in the Excel Sheet. The naming of columns in the Excel Sheet is as follows
Column Name Column Number
A 1
B 2
C 3
... ...
X 24
Y 25
Z 26
AA 27
AB 28
... ...
BA 53
... ...
ZZ 702
AAA 703
... ...
The first line of input is a positive integer.
The output should be a single line containing the column name.
For example, if the given column number is 42.
The column names with single alphabets end at 26. Further column names will contain two alphabets.
Therefore, for the column number 42, the first alphabet in the column name is A and the remaining number is (42-26) is 16.
The second alphabet of the column name is the 16th alphabet, which is P.
So, the output should be AP.
#function to go to the solution
def title(sen):
res = 0
#for loop to find the solution
for B in range(len(sen)):
res *= 26
res += ord(sen[B]) - ord('A') + 1
return res
#print where you add column name
#This code considered by expert Umed
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