We assume that one machine offers four different types of drinks (coffee, coffee with milk, chocolate and chocolate with milk), which cost € 1.50, € 1.80, € 2.10 and € 2.40 respectively. The machine accepts 10, 20 and 50 cent coins, one (1) euro and two (2) euro coins, as well as € 5 and € 10 banknotes, and returns change using only coins. To implement a program, which:
a) To display a selection list (menu) of the offered items (numbered from 1 to 4) with the corresponding price for each, the option 0 to exit the program and then reads the user's choice (preferred item or exit), applying defensive programming to ensure that the user enters a value between 0 and 4.
drinks_menu = {'1':['Coffee',1.50],
'2':['Coffee with milk',1.80],
'4':['Chocolate with milk',2.40],
print(f'{"Menu list":>23}')
print(f'{"№":>3}{"Beverage type":>20}{"Price":>6}')
for key in drinks_menu.keys():
print(' Enter the correct menu number: ')
while True:
choise = input('>>> ? ')
if choise in drinks_menu.keys():
print('Incorrect data entered please re-enter')
if choise != '0':
print(f'Selected drink: {drinks_menu[choise][0]} Price: {drinks_menu[choise][1]}')
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