Instructions: You should submit your answer to this question as a Python code
with .py extension to the corresponding question in Google Classroom.
Attention: Make sure to write your name, surname, and student ID number.
(Physics: find runway length) Given an airplane's acceleration a and take-of
speed v, you can compute the minimum runway length needed for an airplane te
take off using the following formula:
Write a program that prompts the user to enter v in meters/second (m/s) and th
acceleration a in meters/second squared (m/s), and displays the minimum runway
length. Here is a sample run:
Enter speed and acceleration: 60, 3.5 Enter
The minimum runway length for this airplane is 514.286 meters
# Import Module
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time
# open Chrome
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
# Open URL
# wait for one second, until page gets fully loaded
# Data
datas = [
['Mary D Joiner', '', '4079025063',
'2474 McDonald Avenue,Maitland', 'NA'],
['Karen B Johnson', '',
'3153437575', '2143 Oak Street,GRAND ISLE', 'NA'],
# Iterate through each data
for data in datas:
# Initialize count is zero
count = 0
# contain input boxes
textboxes = driver.find_elements_by_class_name(
# contain textareas
textareaboxes = driver.find_elements_by_class_name(
# Iterate through all input boxes
for value in textboxes:
# enter value
# increment count value
count += 1
# Iterate through all textareas
for value in textareaboxes:
# enter value
# increment count value
count += 1
# click on submit button
submit = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
# fill another response
another_response = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
# close the window
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