In a wedding that you are attending, there are some chairs that have digits inscribed at their
backs. The chairs are lined in a row such that they form a string of the digits. Find the
minimum number of sets M that can be formed from these digits such that:
1. The number of digits in each set is one gf more than one.
2. Each set is formed using consecutive digits and no digit can be used more than once.
3. In each set, the number formed using the digits is less than or equal to Y. using three inputs
import math as mt
def minimumSets(X, M):
count = 0
Interger = 0
Y = len(X)
n = 0
for i in range(Y):
Interger = Interger * 10 + (ord(X[i]) - ord('0'))
if (Interger <= M):
n = 1
if (n):
count += 1
Interger = ord(X[i]) - ord('0')
n = 0
if (Interger <= M):
n = 1
Interger = 0
if (n):
count += 1
return count
X = input("Enter the interger: ")
M = 30
print("The minimum number of sets is: ",minimumSets(X, M))
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