IPL Match Details
Write a program that reads all the match outcomes and summarizes the information of all the matches.
Points are given to the teams based on the outcome of the match.
A win earns a team 3 points. A draw earns 1. A loss earns 0.
The following information is expected:
MP: Matches Played
W: Matches Won
D: Matches Drawn (Tied)
L: Matches Lost
P: Points
The team information should be displayed in descending order of points.Input
Names of teams may contain spaces but will be less than 24 characters
100 >= N >= 0
Sample Input
Sample Output
Team: RR, Matches Played: 3, Won: 2, Lost: 0, Draw: 1, Points: 7
Team: MI, Matches Played: 2, Won: 1, Lost: 0, Draw: 1, Points: 4
Team: DD, Matches Played: 3, Won: 0, Lost: 0, Draw: 3, Points: 3
Team: CSK, Matches Played: 2, Won: 0, Lost: 1, Draw: 1, Points: 1
Team: KKR, Matches Played: 2, Won: 0, Lost: 2, Draw: 0, Points: 0
tm = {}
matches = int(input('Enter the number of matches played: '))
for m in range(matches):
dmatch = input(f'Enter data for {m +1} m: ')
t1, t2, outcome = dmatch.split(';')
if t1 not in tm:
tm[t1] = [0,0,0,0,0]
if t2 not in tm:
tm[t2] = [0,0,0,0,0]
tm[t1][0] +=1
tm[t2][0] += 1
if outcome == 'win':
tm[t1][1] += 1
tm[t1][4] += 3
tm[t2][3] += 1
elif outcome == 'loss':
tm[t2][1] += 1
tm[t2][4] += 3
tm[t1][3] += 1
elif outcome == 'draw':
tm[t1][2] += 1
tm[t2][2] += 1
tm[t1][4] += 1
tm[t2][4] += 1
tlist=sorted(tm.items(),key=lambda t:t[1][4],reverse=True)
for i in tlist:
print(f'Team: {i[0]}')
print(f'MP: {i[1][0]}')
print(f'W: {i[1][1]}')
print(f'D: {i[1][2]}')
print(f'L: {i[1][3]}')
print(f'P: {i[1][4]}')
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