There are 2 types of tyres in stock, namely those for luxury vehicles and those for construction vehicles.
Construction vehicle tyres cost twice the price of luxury vehicle tyres, and the prices
depend on the wheel size according to the following price list for luxury vehicles:
Wheel Size Price/Unit measurement ($)
Less than 10 Inches 3.50
10- 15 Inches 4.00
Greater than 15 inches 6.00
You are required to create a python program that implements the program according to
the following guidelines:
c) Create a class called Luxury which contains:
i) A constructor
ii) A function called Calc for doing relevant calculations for calculating the total price
of wheels purchased for construction vehicles.
d) Create a class called Bonuses which contains a constructor and a function called Calc
for calculating the bonus that the client is eligible to recieve. A client may recieve a
bonus if the total price of the tyres he/she has purchased is greater than $500.00.
class Luxury():
def __init__(self, size,wheelNumbers):
self.size = size
self.wheelNumbers = wheelNumbers
def Calc(self):
#Less than 10 Inches 3.50
if self.size<10:
return 3.5*self.wheelNumbers
#10- 15 Inches 4.00
if self.size>=10 and self.size<15:
return 4.0*self.wheelNumbers
#Greater than 15 inches 6.00
if self.size>=15:
return 6.0*self.wheelNumbers
luxury =Luxury(10,3)
print(f"Totol price for Luxury = {luxury.Calc()}")
class Bonuses(Luxury):
def __init__(self, size,wheelNumbers):
super().__init__(size, wheelNumbers)
def Calc(self):
if totalPrice>=500:
return totalPrice-(totalPrice*0.1)
return totalPrice
bonuses =Bonuses(20,500)
print(f"Totol price for Bonuses = {bonuses.Calc()}")
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